10 Clear Signs You Need to Call a Professional for Car Hail Damage Repair

Owning a car comes with its share of responsibilities, and one of them is protecting it from external damages like hailstorms. Hailstorms can wreak havoc on vehicles, leaving them dented and damaged. While minor dings might seem manageable, it’s essential to recognize when hail damage requires professional attention. In this article, we’ll explore ten clear signs that indicate you need to call a professional for car hail damage repair.

What is Hail Damage?

Hail damage occurs when hailstones impact a car’s exterior, causing dents, scratches, and, in severe cases, shattered windows. The intensity of hailstorms can vary, and so can the damage inflicted on your vehicle. Recognizing these signs early on can save you from costly repairs down the line.

The Dangers of Ignoring Hail Damage

Ignoring even minor hail damage can lead to significant issues later. Small dents might not seem concerning, but they can compromise your car’s structural integrity and decrease its resale value. Furthermore, cracked windshields can obstruct your vision while driving, posing safety risks.

Signs of Significant Hail Damage

When it comes to hail damage, some issues go beyond what can be fixed with a simple DIY approach. Here are the clear signs that you need to seek professional assistance:

1. Extensive Dents and Dings

If your car’s exterior is riddled with numerous dents and dings after a hailstorm, it’s a clear indication that you need professional help. While small dents might not be a significant concern, extensive damage can compromise the structural integrity of the vehicle, affecting its performance and resale value.

2. Cracked or Broken Glass

Hailstones can be surprisingly forceful, leading to cracked or shattered windows and windshields. A compromised windshield poses a safety hazard and should not be ignored. Calling a professional for immediate repair or replacement is crucial to ensuring the safety of the vehicle’s occupants.

3. Paint Chipping and Scratches

Hailstorms can chip away at your car’s paint, leaving unsightly scratches and exposed metal. Apart from being an eyesore, exposed metal is susceptible to rust, which can lead to more significant issues down the line. Professional car hail damage repair experts can restore the paint and protect the vehicle from further damage.

4. Damaged Seals and Weather Stripping

Hail can be relentless, and it might damage the seals and weather stripping around your car’s doors and windows. Damaged seals can lead to water leaks during rain, potentially damaging the interior of your vehicle. Seeking professional repairs can prevent water seepage and maintain the car’s integrity.

5. Misaligned Body Panels

If you notice that your car’s body panels no longer align correctly, it’s a clear sign of extensive hail damage. Misalignment can indicate structural damage, affecting the overall safety and performance of the vehicle. Professional technicians have the expertise to realign body panels and restore the car’s original form.

6. Water Damage Inside the Vehicle

When hail causes significant damage to the exterior, water might find its way into the car’s interior during rainfall. Water damage can lead to mold growth, foul odors, and electrical issues. Getting professional repairs promptly can prevent further complications.

7. Visible Punctures or Holes

In severe hailstorms, large hailstones can leave punctures or holes in the car’s body. These openings need immediate attention from professionals to prevent further damage and ensure the car remains safe to drive.

8. Faded or Discolored Paint

Hail damage can sometimes cause the paint to fade or change color due to the impact. This not only diminishes the vehicle’s aesthetic appeal but also makes it susceptible to rust and corrosion. Professional technicians can restore the paint to its original state, preserving the car’s appearance and value.

9. Unusual Noises While Driving

If you notice new rattling or unusual noises when driving your car after a hailstorm, it could be a sign of hidden damage. These noises might indicate loose components or structural issues that need professional inspection and repair.

10. Check Engine Light On

Hail damage can cause underlying issues with your car’s systems, leading to the check engine light turning on. Ignoring this warning can result in more significant problems and costly repairs down the road. A professional assessment can pinpoint the cause and ensure proper repairs are made.

Why Professional Help is Crucial

While some drivers might consider attempting DIY repairs to save money, seeking professional help for car hail damage repair is essential for several reasons:

1. Expertise and Skill: Professional technicians have the necessary expertise and skills to accurately assess the extent of the damage. They can provide comprehensive repairs that DIY methods may not achieve.

2. Specialized Tools and Equipment: Repairing hail damage requires specialized tools and equipment, which professionals have readily available. These tools enable them to perform precise and efficient repairs.

3. Insurance Claims: If your car is covered by insurance, professional repair services can help with the claims process, ensuring you receive the appropriate coverage for the repairs.

4. Preserving Vehicle Value: Professional repairs can maintain your car’s value and ensure it remains in excellent condition, safeguarding its resale value.

5. Safety and Structural Integrity: Professionals can identify and repair any structural damage caused by the hail, ensuring the safety of the vehicle’s occupants.


When it comes to car hail damage, it’s always best to act promptly and seek professional Dallas hail damage repair. The signs mentioned above are clear indicators that your car requires immediate attention from certified auto repair experts. At Dentwerks Auto Hail Repair, we take pride in our ability to restore vehicles to their pre-damage condition efficiently and effectively.

Name: Dentwerks Auto Hail Repair

Address: 2605 Andjon Drive, Dallas, TX 75220, United States

Phone No: 972-284-1885